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Full Electric Technologies machines Energy efficie

时间:2022-07-20 来源:中国汽车供应商网  作者:管理员

The rise in energy prices that has affected individuals and companies is unfortunately a very topical issue: the tariff increases for electricity and gas in recent times have been a real sting!

The universal question is how to reduce consumption, especially in the industrial sector.

For years, Gefit has been designing and manufacturing full Electric assembly machines for various industries, including food, cosmetics, home care, automotive, pharmaceutical and healthcare.

Always looking for innovative solutions, Gefit focuses on the use of electrical and electronic components in its machines, limiting the pneumatic ones, with the aim of obtaining high energy efficiency and low consumption operation, so as to reduce the incidence of the increases in company costs, as well as the environmental impact.

Gefit does this by following different paths for a more complete approach, using energy-saving pneumatic systems in all parts of the machine where there is a high air consumption (air jets or vacuum generation systems). This allows for savings in compressed air consumption of up to 50%.

From an electrical point of view, the extensive use of brushless motors (that are very efficient compared to other kinds of motors) allows the use of interconnected control systems, in order to balance the energy involved between different parts of the machine: the braking motors help in feeding the accelerating motors.

All the machines produced by Gefit are equipped with energy consumption measurement systems that can be viewed directly from the man-machine interface.

These provide not only quantitative but also qualitative data (such as harmonic analysis or distortions).

Electric devices offer several other advantages: they are technically more advanced, they allow for maximum flexibility and precision in the assembly processes and allow for a considerable reduction in maintenance interventions.

Gefit is at your disposal to provide you with further information or for requests for offers, do not hesitate to contact us by phone and by e-mail:

GEFIT S.p.A. – Moulds & Assembly Division
T.  +39 0131 792 822
E. mouldassembly@gefitmail.com

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