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时间:2022-07-20 来源:中国汽车供应商网  作者:管理员

GEFIT recently purchased two of the most powerful tools on the market, Autodesk Moldflow Insight and Autodesk Nastran, in order to improve the pre-design phases and to implement its analytical capability. The use of these virtual tools allows to fully understand the behavior of the plastics inside the moulds cavity and at the same time to know the stress and fatigue to which the steel is subject, during the injection phase of the plastic product.

GEFIT, with the help of these tools and of the dedicated professional figures, is able to:

  • Define a preliminary breakdown of the cycle time required for the moulding process of a product, starting from the 3D model
  •  Simulate the entire injection moulding process and identify any critical points in terms of process parameters, cooling system and final shape of the moulded product
  • Analyze the stress state of the mould components, in order to identify any critical areas and therefore to find out the improvements to be made to the geometry of the product and the mould, so as to foresee and prevent possible fatigue failures.

Thanks to this innovative, rigorous and punctual investigation method, GEFIT supports its customers during a complete process and offers a “turn key” service that, starting from the critical analysis of the plastic item to be produced, reaches an accurate study of the shortest possible cycle time, then ends with the engineering and construction of a solid, efficient and reliable production tool.

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